Ola Onabulé

Point Less

New Album, Out Now.

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British-Nigerian singer/songwriter Ola Onabulé́ presents Point Less, his latest studio album, released worldwide on Friday 30 August.

Onabulé has built an enviably solid music career through a relentless schedule both in the recording studio and as an international touring performer. He has always been interested in crossing cultural and musical boundaries. The emotion and virtuosity in his three-and-a-half octave baritone voice channels his poignant storytelling, which has given life to previous studio works exploring his Nigerian roots, his Western upbringing, family life, and musical influences ranging from jazz to soul, world, and pop.

An ever-present theme in all his creative output, Onabulé́’s views on social injustice become the focus of this latest release, with an intensity and boldness reminiscent of Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On. The 14 original tracks on Point Less tell tales of violence, immigration, xenophobia, betrayal, and dignity, at once celebrating life and warning the social forces threatening it. In these songs, the artist ponders on our contemporary lack of historical memory which allows mistrust and fear to rule; asks philosophical questions about violence; reflects on what real power is: force or spirituality; tries to depict true love beyond all simple stereotypes; takes inspiration by Kipling’s poem “We and They” to try and understand the notion of “the other”.

Following Onabulé́’s critically acclaimed 2015 recording, It’s The Peace That Deafens, with its strong musical and thematic connections to Nigeria, Point Less once again offers an insight into the songwriter’s fiercely independent artistic and entrepreneurial world.

In an independent career spanning more than 20 years, Ola has performed at many of the most respected international jazz festivals including Montreal, Vancouver, San Sebastian, Istanbul, Washington, and Umbria, as well as at concert halls and Jazz clubs worldwide, building and consolidating a reputation with audiences globally. He has presented music from his albums with his quartet/quintet as well as with much larger ensembles of big bands and symphonic orchestras, such as the WDR Big Band of Cologne, the SWR Big Band of Stuttgart, and the Danish Radio Big Band, Copenhagen, and the Big Band Jazz Y Mexico in Mexico City.

Onabulé́’s reach is global connecting with audiences worldwide through his soulful voice and his elegant appearance. Whether live on stage or on record, he gives a thoughtful interpretation of his experiences and the world around him, with music crafted with meticulous attention to detail in his arrangements and production.


Personal Manager

Maria Avgoulis


+44 1234 36 36 93



All UK Media, TV and Voice Over enquiries

David Foster


+44 1264 77 17 26






Lighting and Sound America

Ola Onabulé's Livestream Performances Feed the Soul

Ola Onabulé has been streaming regular live music performances from his home studio close to London for the past few months...

Proaudio Tech

British-Nigerian singer/songwriter uses Sennheiser and Neumann microphones to deliver top-quality live gigs from his home studio

For the first time in about three months, I got that adrenaline rush of performing again...


Ola Onabulé livestreams with Sennheiser

Onabulé’s name is synonymous with jazz excellence and his deep passion for music technology...


An Antidote to Hope's Defeat

Resisting hatred and injustice, Ola Onabule's 'POINT LESS' spurs contemplation...


Capturing the Spirit

As part of their continuing series profiling musicians, Resolution discovers how a talented singer set about recording his new album...

All About Jazz

Ola Onabulé: Point Less

A powerful, expressive singer and a striking songwriter, with incisive things to say about contemporary society...

Jazz Weekly

Ola Onabulé: Point Less

There’s a tinge in his voice that few vocalists, Jolson, Robison and Pavarotti come to mind, that make each syllable mix a tear and smile. Alluring to no end...

Blitz Magazine

Point Less - Review

Onabule draws the listener in through compelling performance...


Capturing the spirit of Point Less

The album is at once a celebration of life and also a warning of the social forces that threaten it...

CD Hot List

A vision that is at least as much social and political as musical

These songs are powerful both musically and lyrically, and his voice is a consistent joy to hear...

Jazz In Europe

ola onabulé reports on siena jazz workshops

Spend five days at a seminal and inspiring Jazz institution, in Italy’s medieval jewel of a city, Siena...

Exchange PRX

Point Less podcast with Ola Onabulé

at once a celebration of life and a cautionary take on the social forces that threaten it...

Resolution Magazine

Sennheiser IE500 PR

OLA ONABULÉ tests a newly developed, dynamic wideband transducer IEM...

Step Tempest

Blues + Beats + Bop (All Soul edition)

An excellent debut by vocalist and composer Ola Onabulé...


ola onabulé upcoming album – point less

Socially conscious singer/songwriter Ola Onabulé has built an enviable career as an international touring performer...


British-Nigerian Singer/Songwriter Ola Onabulé Presents Latest Album 'Point Less'

The new album boldly expressing his views on social injustice...

Afropop Worldwide

Jazzy Nigerian Double Bill Thursday at Joe's Pub

the harmonic complexity and melodic precision of jazz standards, but with equal consideration given to how everything comes together rhythmically...

Jazz Quarterly Magazine

Ola Onabulé: In His Shoes

Ola Onabulé is an artist that oozes with soul, depth, and integrity...


Sennheiser and Neumann microphones at the next live concert of Onabulé

A recording studio veteran and ardent user of Sennheiser and Neumann microphones...


Ola Onabulé en vivo desde el estudio. ¿Por qué con Neumman?

El nombre de Onabulé es sinónimo de excelencia en el jazz y su profunda pasión por la tecnología musical...

Rock & Roll Globe

Ola Onabulé: Soulful British Superstar Makes a Bid for American Recognition

Underrated veteran of the British club scene for the last 25 years...

Jazz Da Gama

Point Less 2019 Album Review

Jazz The Tik

Point Less 2019 Album Review

The cultural topography of Africa and Europe collide in the musical spirit of Ola Onabulé!...

CrssFire Metal

Fourteen relevant and extremely tasty songs

The rich diversity is so broad and yet forms a unity within the entire album...

Jazz Iz

Q&A with Ola Onabulé: Connecting Cultures through Music and Travel

Music that takes unflinching aim at some of the most pressing issues of our present moment...

Soul Tracks

Point Less 2019 Album Review

You may want to dance, or you want to march. But Onabulé’s latest will make it hard for folks to stay in their seats. Strongly Recommended...

Kult Komplott

Point Less Album Review

A woven carpet woven from different cultures that looks authentic and captivates with a special radiance...

SK Jazz

Point Less - An activist challenge

The album is touching, elegant and tells a story that's up to date....

Soul Train Online

Point Less Album Review

"Point Less" captivates already in its own name with a sense of ambiguity and sophistication that is natural for Ola...


Listening Tip

What I heard, I liked right away...

Jazz N More

Point Less - Review - Germany

sonic soul reviews

ola onabulé "point less" - preview

Uncompromisingly in his own league...

Broad Way World

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A giant leap forward in Onabulé's artistic canon...

Soul and Jazz and funk

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'Point Less' will challenge your preconceptions of what soul music is actually all about...